HE 42

Y Pwyllgor Cymunedau, Cydraddoldeb a Llywodraeth Leol

Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

Bil yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru)/Historic Environment (Wales) Bill

Ymateb gan: Cyd-bwyllgor y Cymdeithasau Amwynderau Cenedlaethol

Response from: The Joint Committee of the National Amenity Societies



Committee Clerk

Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay

CF99 1NA


18th June 2015


To:  SeneddCELG@Assembly.Wales


Dear Sir or Madam,


HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT (WALES) BILL:  consultation response


The Joint Committee of the National Amenity Societies (JCNAS) brings together a group of voluntary sector organisations with an interest in the historic environment. The Societies have a formal role in the planning system for Wales and use this to offer expert advice and to articulate the views of many thousands of members and supporters.


We are pleased to have opportunity to comment on this bill.  Detailed points will be covered in a separate response from the Welsh Heritage Group, in which JCNAS member-organisations are actively involved.  The JCNAS merely wishes to register its support for the bill’s general aims.  It offers some sensible and worthwhile improvements to existing legislation.  Examples include interim protection for listed buildings and ancient monuments while under consideration for designation; more effective enforcement and prosecution mechanisms; and a register of historic parks and gardens.  These and other changes proposed are much-needed and have the potential to put Wales at the forefront of historic environment conservation and care in the UK.  We strongly urge that the primary objectives of the bill are not weakened or reduced during the process of consideration by committees and the Assembly,